Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 3 recap NorCal Regionals 2013

Day 3: I'm writing this 3 weeks after the fact, so we'll see how much I can remember.

Event 6: Axel Chipper
I was really really looking forward to this workout. when i did it before I almost finished, so i was really hoping to finish this one that day. I started off strong and did the most unbroken doubleunders i have ever done (90)!! Then i moved on to the HSPU which went ok. i had to break them up a lot toward the end. I was feeling really good going into the toe to bar and busted those out really quick. Then on the axel SOH, i stuck to the plan of doing sets of 5, but i was resting sooo much and this was my down fall. I was definitely tired from the two days prior, and looking back, i had no drive to pick up the bar and move it. I got through my 30 SOH and had like 45 seconds to lunge 90ft. I wanted to make it at least half way to get the 1 more point, but i couldn't make it there fast enough. 15:03

This was most definitely the workout that i learned the most from during the weekend. I was so disappointed that i didn't finish and knew i could have. I finished and knew i had more in the tank. I was too worried about staying to my rep scheme, feeling tired and not wanting it to hurt. I learned that you can over plan, over think and over strategize a workout. I also realized that going into regionals my attitude was to just have fun. I didn't put any pressure on myself (which can be a good thing), but I learned that I need that pressure on myself to make it hurt, push harder and screw the plan...just go.

During day 3, i felt so tired. I think it was a combination of lots of work and not eating what i needed. My eating was pretty good the previous days, but I was sleepy and fatigued on Sunday. I realized this a little too late ;)

Event 7: rope climbs/squat cleans
This event went well. I don't remember much, other than i just wanted to keep moving. i do remember, slid down that rope like a mofoe. I was working on it a few days before and i couldn't get it, but it just happened that day, and I'm glad it did. Finished in 7:28. 

I thought I wanted to go to regionals once as an individual. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make it, and then, that would be it. This may sound weird, but to my surprise i finished the weekend and instantly felt like i wanted to do better next year, I wanted to put more pressure on myself to be more competitive. It was an amazing experience that took a lot (did you hear me....a lot) of time, effort, sweat, tears and emotion, but during that weekend, and in the moment, it was most definitely worth it!!!

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