Monday, March 31, 2014

3/31 front squats, OHS, MUs

A. Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B. OHS build to a 5 rep max
C. 10 Min amrap burpee muscle ups

A. 145, 150, 155, 165(2), 160(1), 160 
These were really hard. My quads are still super sore from 14.5. 
B. 115, 120(3), 120(4) 
Def need to work on these. I feel like I haven't gotten better at these since last year at regionals. 
C. 22
This was good practice. Didn't fail. I always have a hard time knowing how to pace out workouts with mu. Maybe I could have gone faster? But I'm always so nervous I'm gonna fail. I need to work on MU strung together, singles are feelin good! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3/25 PP/SJ

3 sets of 5 push press, 1 push jerk rest 2

27 push jerks 105#
21 box jumps 
15 push jerks 105#
9 box jumps 

Strength: 135

Wod: I'm just seriously retarded. Did it completely wrong. Regardless, 105 felt heavy

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3/24 14.4 back to bloggin

Row, t2b, wall balls, cleans, MU 

To be honest everything felt good until those cleans. Holy aggressive, I was so tired. 

Row for me was just trying to get it done. I don't even know what I got. Tried to do 5s the whole time on t2b, then went down to 3/2/1s. That was kinda surprising, but got through those. 10s on the wall balls!!!!!!! Then singles on the cleans. 95lbs never felt so heavy. Cray! Then just tried to get some MUs. The second one wasn't very pretty, but I'm really happy with this score after Costa Rica. Heck I think I'd be happy with this score even if I hadn't been in Costa Rica for a week! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

14.2 a/b

2 rounds 
10 OHS
10 t2b 
2 rounds 

139. Felt really good and paced out on the first two rounds. Unbroken OHS 5/5 for c2b for first round. Then 4/4/4 and 5/5/2 for second round. Then the third round I think I tried to pace it out too much and didn't finish. So frustrating. Gonna redo it and goes balls to the wall on the round of 14. Really hope I can get through it. 

Round 2- 176 
Did pretty much the same thing for the first two rounds then just sprinted out the 14s. This was seriously awful. Then once the 16s came I literally was so tired and didn't even have a game plan at all. Glad I re did it, I'm happy with my score. Now I just need a good showing the first time around!!! 

3/11 front squats/deadlifts

A. Front Squat 4x6-8; rest 2 min
B. Deadlift Clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 20 sec / 3 min

A. 135(6), 135(6), 135(8), 135(8)
Will front squats ever to easier. I feel like this should be a weight that isn't hard but it still is! 

B. 185, 185, 185 
Planned on going up in weight, but it didn't happen.

Wow. I was super tired and unmotivated today. This took everything in my to complete in the garage. (I don't know how u do it rhiannon). 

So yesterday Ryan gave me a pass on the program and now I'm confused at how I'm supposed to be working out during the open. Am I supposed to do weights the day after wod? day of? I don't know???  if u give me an excuse to skip the program, let's be honest, I prob will. 😜

Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/6 get the heart rate up.

A. 4x
5 burpee box jumps 20”
200m Run
rest 2 min
B. 4x
5 power snatches #75
20 cal airdyne
rest 2 min


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Push press, push jerk

A. Push press 8,6,4,8,6,4; rest 2 min
B. Push Jerk 3,3,3; rest 2 min
EMOM for 20 min
Even: 10 Cal Row
Odd: 7 Toes to Bar

A. 125, 130, 135, 125, 135(5), 140(2) 
B. 145, 145, 150(2) 
These felt really hard today.

Wod: done. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

11.4 second attempt/Back squats

A. Back Squat 4x6-8; rest 2 min
B. Walking Lunges w/ BB 12 steps x4; rest 2 min

11.4.2- 354
Yea!!! So happy with this score. I just tried to not rest as much between the two movements. 

A. 145 (8), 155(8), 165(6), 165(6
Wow these were hard after the wod. My legs were pretty shaky 
B. 100, 105, 105, 110

Saturday, March 1, 2014


14.1- 333

33 is my favorite number, so it seems fitting to get what I did. I'm so glad that this first wod is over!! It's always the first one that is the most stressful. My verse for the next 5 weeks is Phillipians 4:6! 

Did first 5 rounds unbroken, then did 10-5, 12-3. Feel really good about this score. Not sure how much better I could have done, felt like I played it really smart and paced it the best way I could.